Carl Raison
Technical Sales Manager - Ideal Heating

Carl is Technical Sales Manager at Ideal Heating. He has over 24 years’ experience in the heating and hot water industry and is proficient in driving business processes, with a proven track record of continued success. Before joining Ideal Heating, Carl spent over five years in several leadership roles, Quality Assures management, Installation Management, and Field Service Management. In addition to this, he has over Six years of technical management knowledge and experience including, Level 3 in Mechanical Engineering Services Plumbing, Gas Safe, HETAS Approved Wet/Dry works, Bpec - PARTL, Bpec -Water Regulations, Bpec - unvented Hot Water UHW10, Bpec - Domestic ASHP Level 3, Bpec - Low temp heating design, PAS 2035 Retrofit assessor and ABBE Level 3 in Domestic Energy Assessments.