Morten Jordt Duedahl
Business Development Manager - DBDH

Morten is the Business Development Manager at DBDH (Danish Board of District Heating) in charge of all activities in Western Europe, co-editor of the magazine Hot|Cool and an active project developer. In this capacity, Morten works with governments, cities, and district heating companies to strengthen the development of district energy across Europe. Inspired by the long and successful development and implementation of district heating in Denmark, Morten’s job is to ensure value and provide insights that can further develop both the understanding of what district heating is and the benefits it can bring to society, cities, communities and end users.

“District Heating is the long-term and green solution for the future! Modern, well-planned and well-structured district heating will play a crucial role part in the future heat profile of any European urban area. District heating is the way forward to a well-integrated green energy system.”

DBDH is a Danish member organization with members from the entire Danish district heating sector. Our vision is to be “The Go-To Partner for District Energy” and we work to create a better world that benefits from sustainable district energy.

Morten was Head of the Secretariat at District Energy Partnership (DEP) a Danish district energy lobby organization. DEP worked to improve framework conditions for district heating and thereby enhance the rollout in Europe. At DEP, his focus was on both Scotland and England, and he therefore understands the district heating developments in both countries in detail.

His career began in the district heating industry in Eastern Europe and Russia more than 20 years ago with knowledge building and knowledge transfer. This was followed by 13 years as a business development director in a large inward investment organization.