New Partnership to Create 2,000 Homes for Warwickshire

Warwickshire County Council and its property company Warwickshire Property & Development Group (WPDG) have announced a major new joint venture which will see 2,000 new homes created across the county. Quadrant Smart looks into the partnership and how it will help tackle the current housing crisis.
Develop Warwickshire will help to bring sites forward for housing over the next 30 years, with three being taken forward for development within the next 12 months. The partnership with WPDG and leading developer Countryside Partnerships will see £2.5 billion of developments completed.
Creating Sustainable Homes For The Local Community Is Needed
The partnership is said to be part of Warwickshire’s drive to realise the potential of its development sites, commercial buildings, and mineral rights in as sustainable a way as possible, creating homes and jobs for local people.
It has been said that the homes that are created by Develop Warwickshire will be timber-framed and will include features such as solar panels, putting sustainability at the heart of the sites.
Councillor Peter Butlin, Deputy Leader of Warwickshire County Council and Portfolio Holder for Finance and Property, said the creation of Develop Warwickshire was a major step forward for Warwickshire: “This partnership is key to our ambition to make the most of the county’s assets for the benefit of local people and local communities.”
Unlocking our sites to create sustainable, high-quality homes and communities is a key ambition for the council and Develop Warwickshire will play a major role in this.
Working with Countryside Partnerships is enabling the council to take a more strategic approach and maximise investment and efficiency in delivering developments.
All The Developments Will Be Complying With The Affordable Homes Criteria
This new joint venture will enable high-quality, mixed-tenure homes to be delivered at scale across the region. By combining the skills of Countryside Partnerships and Warwickshire County Council’s ambitions to unlock and regenerate its own land assets, the partnership is aiming to deliver true regeneration and maximise the benefits for local communities.
Adam Daniels, Divisional Managing Director, Midlands, Countryside Partnerships, explained that this is just the start of a major contribution to Warwickshire: “We have a very strong track record for housing delivery across Warwickshire and the Midlands, and this JV builds on our existing partnership with Warwick District Council, which is already delivering 620 homes in Kenilworth.”
Over the next 30 years we can make a major contribution to the area and we can’t wait to get started on our first schemes.
The first three sites to be brought forward are in Nuneaton, Warton, and Water Orton, which are all allocated in local plans or have achieved planning consent. All the developments will comply with local authority affordable homes criteria.
Top Farm in Nuneaton has outlined consent for 1,700 homes and will include a local centre, public consultation begins next month on the development of 54 homes in Water Orton, while a reserved matters application has been submitted to North Warwickshire Borough Council to build 71 homes at Warton and is awaiting determination.