Fran Richley
Fran came to Eden Gate, a charity working with the homeless, in 2021 as the Operations Manager following a 26 year career with the Police Service, over half of this at middle management level. He specialised in Roads Policing and was a Senior Investigator for Road Death and has a great deal of experience in partnership working and developing community relationships. Fran has an ability to establish innovative solutions to address local issues, such as 'The Event' drug education programme which won Gwent Police a BP Partnership Award. He was also key to the creation of the Gwent Police Interceptor Team, frequently seen on TV. Fran now utilises his skills to provide strategic direction for the Eden Gate charity.
In 2023, Business in the Community (BITC) saw the impact Eden Gate were having in Newport under Fran's leadership and selected the charity for a 'Seeing Is Believing' visit under its BITC Place programme. Since then, Eden Gate has gone from strength to strength working in partnership for the benefit of Newport city and winning a High Sheriff's Award. Working with some of the most marginalised in society, Fran has a big vision for the future in terms of skills development, employment opportunties and secure housing.
Fran is a keen motorsport artist and has worked with many world rally champions and Formula 1 teams. A committed Christian, he is an active member of the Christchurch Centre Newport, where he is one of the musicians.