Michael McLaughlin
Michael joined HACT in January 2020, having previously accrued 16 years’ experience in various social housing roles, much of which has involved developing and managing digital strategy and policy, latterly in Information and Compliance functions for Clydebank Housing Association. Michael graduated with an MA in Social Sciences from Glasgow University in 2003, and more recently in 2020 completed a Diploma in Digital Inclusion Project Management.
As key contributor to Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) Innovation and Future Thinking programme, Michael retains a keen interest in the promotion of data led organisations and the ways in which this enables digital solutions and innovation across the social housing sector.
Currently leading on HACT’s sector leading UK Housing Data Standards initiative, and also part of Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, Golden Thread advisory group for the UK Building Safety bill. Michael has also researched and co-authored paper with CaCHE on The Impact of Social Housing: Economic, Social, Health and Wellbeing.