
£114K Funding Awarded to Boost Affordable Housing in Scotland

The Assynt Development Trust (ADT) has been awarded £114,000 to take forward the community-led development of affordable homes and community facilities between […]


The Challenges and Opportunities Facing SME Housebuilders

A report has highlighted the delays and costs associated with the planning system, which are putting businesses at risk and preventing SMEs […]


Speeding up Housing Delivery: Homes England’s Intervention

With Homes England buying the site for a 1,340-home scheme in Slough, Developer Muse will start the consultation process for the project […]


The Evolving Shape of Nimbyism: The Rise of Misinformation

Following a survey of professional planners finding nearly a quarter are subject to online abuse from trolls, with some leaving the profession, […]


The £42M Schemes Helping to Deliver Affordable Homes

Work is underway on 250 affordable homes following Esh Construction being appointed by Thirteen to deliver two developments in Middlesbrough. Housing Industry […]


Over 1,100 Private Rented Homes Have Dangerous Damp and Mould

Local councils in England have found 1,106 private rented homes with dangerous levels of damp and mould in 2021-22, according to research […]


Future Councils Pilot Participants Selected for Ground Breaking Developments

With consultations between local councils and the DLUHC concluding, the eight local authorities have been selected for the digital and cyber improvement […]


How can Housebuilding Revitalise the UK Economy?

A new report by the non-partisan think tank Policy Exchange has argued for restoring trust in the planning system by giving businesses […]


250,000 Properties in England Have Been Empty for Months

On National Empty Homes Week, Housing Industry Leaders highlights the problem of empty homes and how more action is needed to address […]