Roof Repairs and Solar Panels for Swindon Social Homes

Swindon Borough Council have allocated more than £7 million to repair the roofs of its social housing and provide solar panels.
The council are aiming to fit solar panels to the roofs of 300 of its social homes and flats over the next two years in an attempt to cut the carbon emissions of the borough.
It is also hoped that the solar panels will save tenants money on their energy bills, with Councillor Janine Howarth estimating that it could reduce bills by up to £540 a year.
A three-year contract, which could be extended by another two years, has been issued for work on council properties on Euclid Street, according to the Bidstats website. The total costs of the five-year contract are listed as £7.5m.
It says: “Swindon Borough Council invites expressions of interest from suitably qualified and experienced service providers for the provision of the supply and installation of new roofs and solar panels.
“The borough council has a housing stock of around 10,500 homes, which it manages in the capacity of a social landlord.
“It consists of a range of different dwellings and also includes high and medium-rise blocks, sheltered and other types of housing schemes and construction types, which include sheltered and non-sheltered housing units.”
The council has set a deadline for 5 October 2023, with the successful contractor to carry out the planned programme of work including roof repairs and solar panel installation under the contract of up to five years.
“The initial contract term will be for 36 months with an option to extend for a further 24 months for a potential total contract term of five years.
“Estimated contract spend is between £4.25m and £4.5m across the initial three-year contract term and between £7m and £7.5m across the potential total five-year contract term.”
The proposed work falls in line with the Council’s three 10-year missions
In July 2023, the Council agreed to prioritise three 10-year missions:
- Reduce inequality – make Swindon a fairer place, reduce disadvantage and eliminate big disparities in life expectancy, education levels and social justice
- Build a better Swindon – create a town ready for the challenges of the coming decades. Where possible, lead town centre improvement and create more affordable housing in partnership with the private sector.
- Achieve net zero – fully play our part as a Council and a town in combatting climate change. Work with communities to find new ways of doing things that help, not hinder, the natural environment.
In carrying out roof repairs and installing solar panels to some of its social housing stock, the council is demonstrating its commitment to building a better Swindon, and taking steps towards achieving net zero.
Councillor Janine Howarth, the council’s cabinet member for housing, said: “We are constantly looking at ways to improve the condition of our housing stock so we provide the best possible accommodation for our tenants.
This latest investment, which delivers on our missions to Build a Better Swindon and Achieve Net Zero, will deliver new roofs to more than 300 properties in Penhill over the first two years of the programme, with almost half the homes being suitable for solar panels.
“We estimate this will reduce energy bills by as much as £540 a year for those tenants, which is fantastic news for them and great for the environment.”