heat pumps

Eco-Upgrades Delivered to 250 Homes in East of England

A £12.8 million scheme in the East of England has seen more than 250 social homes receive eco-upgrades such as solar panels, air source heat pumps, and external wall insulation. The scheme is […]


Could Waste Supercomputer Heat Help Heat Our Homes?

A first-of-its-kind system in the UK is currently being trialled in Edinburgh to see if waste heat from a large computing facility can be stored in disused mine workings and used to heat […]


NI Housing Executive Builds First New Homes Since 2002

Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE) has broken ground on its first new-build homes for over two decades, after the organisation stopped building homes in 2002.   With a portfolio of approximately 85,000 properties […]


Off-grid Households to Receive Energy-Efficient Boost

Homeowners in Chesterfield who have no mains gas supply to their property could benefit from financial support. How will this help them make their homes more energy-efficient and boost the community? Chesterfield Borough […]


How is Renewable Technology Enhancing Cambridge Homes?

Work has started on 70 new low-carbon council homes designed to Passivhaus standards in Cambridge. How is renewable technology being used to meet the requirements of its local people? Cambridge Investment Partnership (CIP) […]


Government Grants to Boost Heat Pump Rollout

Heat pumps could be made more accessible to homeowners and small businesses under measures proposed by the government last week.   Varied grants, which would depend on customers’ property type or existing fuel […]


More Understanding Around Sustainable Heating Options is Needed

UK households are wanting to invest in more sustainable forms of home heating that will reduce energy bills and be better for the environment but believe that heating options are inaccessible, according to […]


UK Government Awards £54 Million to Innovative Heat Networks

Nearly 28,000 homes and businesses will be shielded from costly fossil fuels as the UK Government awards more than £54 million to innovative heat network projects in England. Funding announced today (Friday, 29 […]


Could Electric Heating Systems Play A Crucial Role In Decarbonising Buildings?

Decarbonising heat in buildings is a major challenge facing the UK and is essential for the road to net zero by 2050, Housing Industry Leaders investigates if electric heating systems are key to […]